• Juni 2024

    • Samstag 1 15:00 - 18:30
    • Sonntag 2 10:00 - 18:30
Il Giardino della Canonica di San Pietro a Cherasco
Via San Pietro 15, Cherasco

Discovering the Garden of the Canonica di San Pietro

Discovering "Essence of the Territory", a network of gardens and cultivations that aims to enhance the cultural identity of the historical contexts in which they arise.

Discovering "Essence of the Territory", a network of gardens and cultivations that aims to enhance the cultural identity of the historical contexts in which they arise.

©Le Terre dei Savoia

Where the aesthetics of the landscape meets agricultural traditions and architectural peculiarities, theEssence of the Territorya network of gardens and cultivations that aims to enhance the cultural identity of the historical contexts in which they arise. Inclusive and reflective spaces that stand out for their botanical appearance and sustainable soul, environments to be discovered step by step by immersing yourself among aromatic herbs, medicinal plants and dyeing, ancient fruit and vegetable varieties.
The event will be unveiled at the same time as the site ofAncient Garden of the Somaschi Fathers always in Cherasco.
Saturday, 1st of June
Open: from 15.00 to 18.30
Open: from 10.00 to 18.30LABORATORY - Aperitalea by Camilla Ferrero - Exchange of cuttings FREEHours: from 11.00 to 15.00 Exchange of plants, tips and knowledge: barter your cuttings and take another - you will go home with a new friend and advice on how to take care of them!**- "Semina il bello" - by La tata maschio and Roberta Rossetti (for children and families)**Hours: 15:30 (duration 2 h) Creative workshop + thematic readings with high green impact: as small gardeners we will create seed bombs together Cost € 5.00 By reservation, maximum 20 participants.

icône prixFree admission. Reservation required for "Sowing the beautiful" on June 2 at 15.30.
icône horaire1 und 2 Juni
icône lieuIl Giardino della Canonica di San Pietro a Cherasco, Via San Pietro 15, Cherasco
Art der Veranstaltung : Anzeigen/Lesen
Thema 2024 : Die fünf Sinne im Garten
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Anwesenheitsmodus : Freier Eintritt,Sur inscription
Art des Publikums : Jedermann