• Juni 2024

    • Samstag 1 11:00 - 12:00 15:30 - 16:30
Castello Bufalini
largo Crociani 3, 06016, San Giustino (PG)

The five senses in the garden

Guided tour

Guided tour

©Musei nazionali di Perugia - Direzione regionale Musei Nazionali Umbria

Discovering the park of Castello Bufalini Visiting the garden of Castello Bufalini is a multisensory experience: you can admire the colors of flowers and shades of leaves, listen to the songs of birds and croaking frogs, hear (or imagine) the scents and flavors of the fruits present on the trees or painted by Cristofano Gherardi in the rooms of the castle. On the occasion of "Appointment in the Garden 2024" it will be possible to participate in guided tours (in the morning at 11 am and in the afternoon at 15.30) to discover the orchard rich in ancient varieties and the labyrinth, exceptionally open to the public.

icône prixReservation required. Maximum number of visitors per turn: 25 people. Event included in the entrance ticket.
icône horaireSamstag 1 Juni, 11:00, 15:30
icône lieuCastello Bufalini, largo Crociani 3, 06016, San Giustino (PG)
Art der Veranstaltung : Geführte Besichtigung
Thema 2024 : Die fünf Sinne im Garten
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Anwesenheitsmodus : Gewöhnlicher Tarif,Sur inscription
Art des Publikums : Jedermann