• Juni 2024

    • Samstag 1 09:00 - 19:00
Il Giardino della Valle Cernobbio
via Plinio cernobbio

Sensory path from the garden of Villa Bernasconi to the Garden of the Valley

Tour of several gardens

Tour of several gardens

©Silvia Ostini

The route will begin at Villa Bernasconi (Largo Campanini 2, Cernobbio) to take us to the Giardino della Valle (via Plinio), following this program: 1 June
9:00-10:00 Full moon yoga, archetype of mother: yoga practice centered on opening and sensory reception. Female experience that predisposes to the activation of all the senses to face the whole day. Villa Bernasconi, single cost 20 euro 10:00-13:00 15-17 Garden therapy with volunteers of the Garden of the Valley (voluntary gardening): we sharpen the touch and the view. Garden of the Valley, conscious offer.
10:30- 12:30 Sacred collection of herbs and wild flowers for the creation of an energetic and detoxifying infusion: we sharpen the gist and smell. Garden of the Valley, cost single experience 20 euros, hours 16:00-17:00 Mindfulness barefoot in the lawn working on external and internal listening: we sharpen touch and hearing. Garden of Villa Bernasconi, cost for single experience 5 euro.
from 16:00 to the Garden of the Valley vibrational treatment with the singing bowls (Sound bath), individual sessions. 18:00-19:00 Practice of yoga at sunset accompanied by the Tibetan bells. Valley Garden, cost single experience 15 euro
For those who sign up for all yoga and mindfulness practices the promotional cost of 35 euros. For those who sign up for the whole day the cost is 50 euros
In case of bad weather it will be possible to use the spaces inside the Villa Bernasconi. reservation required: info: 3478707457 Elena yoga and mindfulness: 3467963796 Marilena path herbs: 3356833708

icône prixcompulsory reservation, free admission, paid activities or free offer
icône horaireSamstag 1 Juni, 09:00
icône lieuIl Giardino della Valle Cernobbio, via Plinio cernobbio
Art der Veranstaltung : Rundgang
Thema 2024 : Die fünf Sinne im Garten
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Anwesenheitsmodus : Vorzugstarif,Sur inscription
Art des Publikums : Erwachsener