• Juni 2024

    • Samstag 1 17:00 - 18:30
Giardino di Villa Ghirlanda Silva
Via Frova, 10 Cinisello Balsamo 20090

Between heaven, earth and sea. Passage through time

Between heaven, earth and sea. Passage through time

Between heaven, earth and sea. Passage through time

©Fiorenza Valenti

An exhibition that traces the artistic career of Fiorenza Valenti, Cinisellese artist with a wide artistic path, which has set up numerous solo and group exhibitions in Italy and abroad. By invitation he has participated in important national and international art exhibitions and has executed murals for high-profile artistic events. Some of his works are in museums, public collections and private collections in Italy and abroad, and his works have been presented and reviewed by well-known exponents of the world of art and culture. The exhibition will be inaugurated Saturday, June 1, at 17.00 at the Sala dei Paesaggi, in the presence of the mayor, Giacomo Ghilardi and the Culture Commissioner Daniela Maggi. Next, ribbon cutting and opening of the exhibition in the halls of the Quadrerie.
The exhibition will be open from 1 to 15 June in the following days and times:
SUNDAY: 10.00-12.30 / 14.30-18.30
Last admission 15 minutes before closing time. Free admission.
Info: cultura@comune.cinisello-balsamo.mi.it Tel.: 02-66023813
By: municipality of Cinisello Balsamo and Regis.

icône prixFree and free admission
icône horaireSamstag 1 Juni, 17:00
icône lieuGiardino di Villa Ghirlanda Silva, Via Frova, 10 Cinisello Balsamo 20090
Art der Veranstaltung : Ausstellung
Thema 2024 :
Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass das Bild unter der Bedingung, dass es dem Urheber durch Nennung seines Namens zugeordnet wird, frei verwendet und unter denselben Bedingungen weitergegeben werden darf. : true
Anwesenheitsmodus : Freier Eintritt
Art des Publikums : Jedermann