• Juni 2024

    • Samstag 1 12:00 - 14:30
Complesso Monumentale di Villa Rufolo
Ravello SA

Chamber concert at Villa Rufolo



© Villa Rufolo

Chamber concert performed by the duo Myriam Traverso - viola and Lorenzo Traverso - piano, with music by: - Nino Rota - sonata in C major - Robert Schumann - Märchenbilder, op 113 - Paul Hindemith - sonata in F major, op 11 n 4
Auditorium of Villa Rufolo
Entrance ticket to the Villa - subject to availability (90)
The concert will take place within the event always on June 1 from 9.00 to 20.00 organized by the Ravello Foundation in collaboration with the Sinapsi Foundation, a non-profit organization that carries out social and psychoeducational interventions for children and young people up to 18 years blind, visually impaired and with complex disabilities.

icône prixEntrance ticket to the Villa - subject to availability (90). Free admission for disabled guests and their companion.
icône horaireSamstag 1 Juni, 12:00
icône lieuComplesso Monumentale di Villa Rufolo, Ravello SA
Art der Veranstaltung : Konzert
Thema 2024 :
Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass das Bild unter der Bedingung, dass es dem Urheber durch Nennung seines Namens zugeordnet wird, frei verwendet und unter denselben Bedingungen weitergegeben werden darf. : true
Anwesenheitsmodus : Freier Eintritt,Gewöhnlicher Tarif
Art des Publikums : Jedermann