Various activities
Archivio Castello del Buonconsiglio
Passa_Tempo Principesco: the gardens of Buonconsiglio
Immerse yourself in a unique and timeless experience in the castle gardens, where history, nature and relaxation meet to give you a truly special moment. Here are some of the exclusive activities that await you early in the morning (all initiatives are free - some require reservation): Medieval Meditation: Yoga in the Heart of the Castle to start the day with a touch of originality. Fixed-time activities. Reservation required. Walk in the Historical Gardens: Discover the most fascinating corners of the Castle gardens with a guided tour that will reveal curiosities and anecdotes. Fixed-time activities. Reservation required. Readings with the five senses: Sensory laboratory that will enrich the reading experience, favoring a deeper understanding and a richer appreciation of the texts. By La Seggiolina Blu. Fixed time activities. Reservation required. Green connections to the Castle: history and art workshops immersed in the gardens of the manor. Fixed-time activities. Reservation required. Second-hand books, occasion of books: opportunities not to be missed to buy all the catalogues published by the Museum thanks to the unmissable promotions. Buonconsiglio di Lego: the faithful reproduction of the manor, brick by brick, will favor the overall vision of the architecture of the Castle immersed in its historic gardens. After observing the miniature, young and old can devise architectural and landscape variants with bricks.