• Juni 2024

    • Sonntag 2 10:00 - 18:00
Giardino di Pojega-Villa Rizzardi
Via di Villa Rizzardi, 10, Pojega

The sense of the garden

Opening and guided tours

Opening and guided tours

©guerrieri rizzardi

The garden of Pojega satisfies the view for the extraordinary play of perspective between the green areas and the original architecture of the eighteenth century, stimulates the sense of smell with the essences perceived in the grove and walking on the lawn, where you can hear the nature between "chirping of birds and strormir of fronds" and on which you can lie down for a total natural immersion. The best finish can only be to enjoy a genuine sip of wine produced by the vineyards that surround this wonder

icône prixFree entrance during the opening hours at a rate of 7.50 euros full and 6 reduced. Last access allowed 17.00\. Admission by reservation for guided tour at 10.30 and 15.00: euro 12 full and 9 euro reduced
icône horaireSonntag 2 Juni, 10:00
icône lieuGiardino di Pojega-Villa Rizzardi, Via di Villa Rizzardi, 10, Pojega
Art der Veranstaltung : Geführte Besichtigung
Thema 2024 : Die fünf Sinne im Garten
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Anwesenheitsmodus : Sur inscription
Art des Publikums : Jedermann