• Juni 2024

    • Samstag 1 11:00 - 12:00 15:00 - 16:00
    • Sonntag 2 11:00 - 12:00 15:00 - 16:00
Villa Rezzola - FAI
via militare 33, Lerici fraz. Pugliola (SP)

Appointment in Garden: "Open for restoration"

Special tours

Special tours

@Fai-Fondo per l'Ambiente Italiano

On the occasion of Appuntamento in giardino, the event promoted by APGI - Associazione Parchi e Giardini d'Italia which aims to invite the general public to discover the surprising historical, artistic, botanical and landscape wealth of Italian gardens, Villa Rezzola will open its park exceptionally for special guided tours.
Participants will have the opportunity to know "in preview" the project of restoration and redevelopment of the park undertaken by the FAI thanks to the contribution received under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) - Programs to enhance the identity of the places: historical parks and gardens. The story, on both opening days, will focus on three themes: - the restoration of the architectural and monumental components of the park, such as the seedbed, the shadowy, the greenhouse, but also the stairs, the paths, the pergolas, the retaining walls; - the restoration, upgrading and extraordinary maintenance of the plant component of the park and the design of the garden as a whole; - the restoration and enhancement of the historic water system, from surface water conveying systems to scenic elements such as pools and fountains. - To accompany the public in these special visits to the site will be the professionals, FAI and not, who work on the project:
01 June Architectural and monumental components Arch. Roberto Segattini - designer and works manager Impresa Magistri with the owner Eros Zanotti - contractor specialized in architectural restoration Landscape component Arch. Maria Vigevani - design team Geol Water System. Denjs Tassisto - consultant for geological and hydrogeological aspects
June 2 The importance of the park of Villa Rezzola for biodiversity. Flora, fauna, ecosystems. Historic gardens as "ecological islands" Dott. Armando Gariboldi, naturalist, agrotechnician and scientific journalist Water System Arch. Anna Comi - project coordination Architectural and monumental components Arch. Maria Galli - design and operations management team
Both days will be organized two guided tours, at 11 am and at 15.
The professionals involved are: 01 June Roberto Segattini Architect specializing in restoration and conservation of cultural heritage. He is a freelancer and for over twenty-five years he has been involved in the design and management of works in the field of the recovery of historic buildings and not constrained. He was a lecturer at the Politecnico di Milano and at the Restoration Academy "Aldo Galli" in Como. For twelve years now he has been working with the Fai**,** taking care of restoration and conservation. Eros Zanotti Conservator since 1994, carries out its activities on the basis of the principles of conservative restoration. In 2008 he started his craft business and in 2016 he founded the company Magistri srl. Maria Vigevani Architect, has always worked in the landscape and territorial. For ten years he has been collaborating with the FAI following the projects for the restoration and enhancement of the landscape of various Assets, supporting and supporting architects specialized in architectural restoration. June 2 Armando Gariboldi Graduated in Natural Sciences with a specialization in Ornithology, is the author of over 600 articles and 20 books on naturalistic issues, working since 1988 as a freelance naturalist. He has held various positions in the world of nature conservation, including that of Director General of LIPU/ Birdlife Italy. As a nature guide he accompanied dozens of groups in the most beautiful natural areas of Italy and the world. Anna Comi Architect, with twenty years of professional experience in the landscape field, is a consultant for the FAI for project management and technical coordination of projects for the restoration and restoration of landscape-environment of newly opened Beni throughout Italy. Maria Galli Architect, has collaborated with several architectural firms, continuing in parallel with historical research activities and preliminary studies at the basis of conservation projects. For ten years he has collaborated with the FAI, dealing with the design, Works Management and Operational Direction of the conservation and restoration of Cultural Heritage.

icône prixfree entry
icône horaire1 und 2 Juni
icône lieuVilla Rezzola - FAI, via militare 33, Lerici fraz. Pugliola (SP)
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