• Juni 2024

    • Samstag 1 10:00 - 12:00
Villa La Rotonda
Via della Rotonda 45 Vicenza

Photo tour with the gardener

Photo tour

Photo tour

© Villa La Rotonda

Exclusive guided tour of the Countryside, the gardens and the Piano Nobile.
The appointment dedicated to lovers of the photographyof nature and architecture! The Gardener of the Rotunda, Franciswill wait for you at the entrance of the agricultural relevance, then you will cross the avenue of 100 trees, the Napoleonic avenue and, through the private forest and passing through the Secret Garden, you will arrive at the monumental complex of Villa La Rotonda.
Francesco will tell you about the past and the present of the naturalistic landscape that embraces the Villa and you will have the opportunity to see the four facades from views forbidden to the public.
It will be the perfect opportunity to fully experience the relationship between Architecture and Nature, essential for the architect Andrea Palladio. 25,00 € Booking is preferable

icône prix25,00 € Preferable booking 0444 321793 from Friday to Sunday, during visiting whatsapp: 351 7922118 (messages only)
icône horaireSamstag 1 Juni, 10:00
icône lieuVilla La Rotonda, Via della Rotonda 45 Vicenza
Art der Veranstaltung : Geführte Besichtigung
Thema 2024 : Die fünf Sinne im Garten
Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass das Bild unter der Bedingung, dass es dem Urheber durch Nennung seines Namens zugeordnet wird, frei verwendet und unter denselben Bedingungen weitergegeben werden darf. : true
Anwesenheitsmodus : Gewöhnlicher Tarif
Art des Publikums : Jedermann