• Juni 2024

    • Samstag 1 09:00 - 11:30
Parco Regina Margherita - "Pincio di Assisi"
Viale Umberto I'

The Senses of the Pincio



© Francesco Mancinelli

As part of a project to redevelop the Regina Margherita Park, the Civic Committee for the Pincio intends to organize for the date of 1 June 2024 the event "I SENSI DEL PINCIO". This event, prepared with the Sant'Antonio Primary School and the Primary School attached to the Convitto Nazionale Principe di Napoli, is part of the European day proposed by the A.P.G.I. The day will start from Piazza Santa Chiara, where all the pupils of the primary schools involved, the teachers and their parents will meet. The children will arrive and will wave the festive colored sheets and, in a rainbow of colors and joyful sounds produced by their joy, will form a procession that will cross Corso Mazzini, will turn around the fountain of Piazza del Comune and climb up via San Rufino until you reach the Park. Within the Pincio, given the limited availability of accessible spaces, will enter only students of classes 5 and 5, while all others will be accompanied by their teachers in other places in the city. In the days before the festival, the students will use the organs assigned to some senses: eyes-sight, skin-stretch, drawing and coloring posters about the event and will depict animals on river stones. It is our intention to place all the posters along the path hanging in grids. As for the painted animals will be brought by the authors themselves, only pupils of classes 5 entire, inside the park and placed in places of their choice. After the placement of the artifacts will sing all together the Italian Anthem and that of our city. Savoring the pleasure of expressing themselves in a natural environment they will be able to appreciate not only what the view allows them to see, but also many scents that the place can give off. Perfumes will facilitate a journey of memories that will be able to take root in each and will remain there, forever, in an indelible way. It goes without saying that even the adults present, city authorities, parents and teachers who have known the Pincio in past times, will be able to relish their memories and find, each in his own soul, sensations, smells, pleasures and emotions jealously preserved. At the end of this short ceremony the parents of the classes involved will prepare a snack that, even that, will taste the memories of ancient tastes. So, not so much marketed snacks, but bread and sugar and bread and oil, to want to strengthen the pleasure of touching simple foods, enjoy the view of natural products, smell the fruity scent of oil in an unspoiled environment, enjoy the taste of a genuine product and hear, mysteriously, between reality and fantasy, the sound of pleasure released by the branches of the trees in the presence of many guests.

icône horaireSamstag 1 Juni, 09:00
icône lieuParco Regina Margherita - "Pincio di Assisi", Viale Umberto I'
Art der Veranstaltung : Animation für junge Leute
Thema 2024 : Die fünf Sinne im Garten
Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass das Bild unter der Bedingung, dass es dem Urheber durch Nennung seines Namens zugeordnet wird, frei verwendet und unter denselben Bedingungen weitergegeben werden darf. : true
Anwesenheitsmodus : Freier Eintritt
Art des Publikums : Kinder (0 - 15 Jahre),Schulisch,Erwachsener,Jedermann