• Juni 2024

    • Samstag 1 10:00 - 18:00
    • Sonntag 2 10:00 - 18:00
Villa di Maser
via Cornuda, 7 Maser

Two days dedicated to the 5 senses and the nature that surrounds Villa di Maser through special guided tours and picnics surrounded by green

Two days dedicated to the 5 senses and nature.

Two days dedicated to the 5 senses and nature.

©Villa di Maser

-Reflections and colours between the landscapes of Verona and the secret garden of the Nymphaeum.
On the occasion of the conclusion of the first phase of restoration of the Nymphaeum of the Villa, a special guided tour will be proposed to discover the importance of water in the Palladian project of Maser.
We will visit in exclusive the fascinating exedra of the Nymphaeum and we will walk with the look of the water landscapes imagined by the Veronese in the cycle of frescoes of the piano nobile.
hours: 11.30 // duration 1 hour and 15'
-Palladio and Tomaso Buzzi, never so close: preview of the restoration works of the gardens and the park.
An unprecedented guided tour to discover the Project "Restoration of the Historical Garden of the Villa of Maser "PNRR - NextGenerationEU, with the story of the restoration works of the Park, the Historical Garden and the Greenhouses of the Villa of Maser.
Hours: 15.00 // duration 1 hour and 15'

  • Our own flower garden.
    Expressive workshop game for children, curated by Barbara Jacopetti and Heart4children.
    Opening hours: 1 shift 11.00-12.30; 2 shift 14.00 - 15.30
    Confined space
    Sunday, June 2
    -Picnic in the Villa!
    By Casa Diamante, for a break dedicated to taste, immersed in the green of the Villa.
    Hours: 11.00-15.00
    For info, costs and reservations: 0423 565603, 347 5295084, info@casadiamante.it
  • Our own flower garden
    Expressive workshop game for children, curated by Barbara Jacopetti and Heart4children.
    Opening hours: 1 shift 11.00-12.30; 2 shift 14.00 - 15.30
    Confined space
icône prixLimited capacity, by reservation
icône horaire1 und 2 Juni
icône lieuVilla di Maser, via Cornuda, 7 Maser
Art der Veranstaltung : Anzeigen/Lesen
Thema 2024 : Die fünf Sinne im Garten
Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass das Bild unter der Bedingung, dass es dem Urheber durch Nennung seines Namens zugeordnet wird, frei verwendet und unter denselben Bedingungen weitergegeben werden darf. : true
Anwesenheitsmodus : Gewöhnlicher Tarif,Sur inscription
Art des Publikums : Kinder (0 - 15 Jahre),Jugendliche (15 - 20 Jahre),Erwachsener,Jedermann