• Juni 2024

    • Samstag 1 10:30 - 12:00
Giardino Villa Mocenigo-Biaggini-Ivancich
Via degli Artefici, 20, 30028 San Michele Al Tagliamento VE

Visit to the Garden of Villa Mocenigo-Biaggini-Ivancich

Guided tour

Guided tour


**Guided tour of the Garden of Villa Mocenigo-Biaggini-Ivancich**: three hundred years of history and stories, which have changed the face of the estate, but not changing its essence. Emblem of this change, the ancient noble garden, in which, in the middle of two baroque buildings that still bear the signs of the last world war, you lose and find the imprint of Jappelli among plane trees, magnolias and beech trees, enormous cedars of Lebanon also mutilated, but not demolished, by the splinters of 1944, sought essences Japanese, aromatic plants, rose bushes and hedges that embrace statues eighteenth century. Three hundred years of beauty (already in a map of half seven hundred, to indicate the prestige, in the garden of the villa were portrayed two peacocks) that the tragic past and the changes in the state of the property have not erased, but only enriched with melancholy and elusive mystery.

icône prixFree with reservation
icône horaireSamstag 1 Juni, 10:30
icône lieuGiardino Villa Mocenigo-Biaggini-Ivancich, Via degli Artefici, 20, 30028 San Michele Al Tagliamento VE
Art der Veranstaltung : Geführte Besichtigung
Thema 2024 : Die fünf Sinne im Garten
Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass das Bild unter der Bedingung, dass es dem Urheber durch Nennung seines Namens zugeordnet wird, frei verwendet und unter denselben Bedingungen weitergegeben werden darf. : true
Anwesenheitsmodus : Freier Eintritt,Sur inscription
Art des Publikums : Jugendliche (15 - 20 Jahre),Erwachsener,Jedermann